Newspaper Sales Training Course
The Newspaper Sales Training Course is here!
Earn Your Press Pass has a new companion course to help take non-sales, non-newspaper people and get them ready to sell into your publication.
What is it?
This self-guided, fully online course is designed to teach a new salesperson all about the ins and outs of newspaper advertising.
Users will learn about a variety of topics, including…

Get to know the lingo
Learn advertising terminology and common newsroom jargon so you can talk the talk and walk the walk.

Learn how to build relationships
Watch lessons on talking to customers, how to use needs-analysis selling techniques and more.

Understand newspaper ethics
Navigate the newspaper landscape and the ethics involved in being a part of a newspaper and sales.
Lessons Include:
- Course Introduction
- Get to Know the Lingo
- Terminology Cheatsheets
- Jargon and talking about ads to customers
- Ad Basics
- Finding and Contacting Customers
- Building Relationships
- Best Practices
- Needs Analysis Selling
- What is needs analysis selling?
- Let’s take a look at the questionnaire.
- Making the Sale
- Ethics in Newspaper Advertising
- Additional Materials
Want more information?
Many newspapers have access to Earn Your Press Pass and the Newspaper Sales Training Course as a part of their press association memberships. Check with your association to see if that’s the case for you, or click below to contact us for other options.