What is Press Pass?
Who We Are
What is Press Pass?

Community newspapers around the country often find themselves in a position where recruiting trained journalists is problematic. Convincing a newly graduated journalism student to move to a rural community, for example, can often be a challenge.
This leaves many community newspapers in a position where they must hire a community member and train them to be reporters. Unfortunately, many of these newspapers also lack the time and skill set to do proper training, leaving these newly conscripted reporters fumbling through how to properly report on news, find stories, follow style, etc.
This course will fill in those gaps. Community newspapers will be able to ask their new hires to complete each lesson, allowing them to learn everything from common newspaper terminology to story writing to media laws.
Lessons will be designed to take the layperson to a functioning newspaper reporter upon completion in a straight-forward and comprehensive approach.
This is not a college course, nor is it designed to be like one. The goal of this course is to impart practical, usable knowledge. While we agree journalism history and deeper discussions of media ethics and goals are fantastic academic pursuits, we do not believe those are important pieces to get a starting reporter ready to fill their local newspaper with well-written, well-reported stories.
These lessons are designed by a professional community journalist and former teacher, and information and ideas are also sourced from a variety of working community journalists to help create a well-rounded course.
We hope you’ll join us in our pursuit of strengthening newspapers around the United States with trained, professional journalists, ready to shine a light on their local communities.